Every soldier knows they should take care of their tanks for good reasons. Rating: Teen
Every soldier worth his salt takes care of their gun. Every tank driver with half a brain takes care of their tank. The wiser and older talk to it, cajoles and pampers it, because the tanks pay them back.
Many tank crew talk about a mysterious guy who appears out of nowhere to guide their escape from death traps, grant them extra firepower, and let them live to see another day.
He is a stout quiet guy who smells like gasoline, and only appears to those who care about their tanks. They call him “Panzer”. It’s worthy of pride that Panzer is at your side. Take care of your tank and it takes care of you.
Some whisper that there’s more to the stories. Those who see Panzer return weird. Mind you, they’re neither drunk or high, but they now always smell like gasoline even after weeks stationed in the base. They are jumpy, always hungry, and seem to forget how to talk or party. Their bedsheets are always stained with motor oil.
But surely they only slander Panzer because they are jealous. Remember, Panzer always cares about its crew.
Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at
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